Adobe Animate

Importing Sound

This tutorial will teach you how to import custom sounds into Adobe Animate as layers, equally well as adjusting audio levels.

Certificate Setup

1. Create a new file in Adobe Animate.

ii. Select action script 3.0

Importing Sound to Library

i. Create a folder in your Adobe Animate library for your sounds.

2. Navigate to File>Import>Import to library

3. Locate your audio files on your hard drive. (I recommend keeping them in their own folder inside your flash projection folder).

File, Import, Import to Libary

Placing Sounds into Composition

1. Create a new layer for your sounds. (your sounds will exist the just matter on this layer. exercise not use a layer with symbols or other sounds on it)

Time line layers

ii. Locate your sounds in your Adobe Animate library.

Sounds in Libary

iii. Highlight the layer where you want your sound to be placed, at the keyframe you would like your sound to start

4. Drag your audio file from your library directly to the phase (non the timeline).

5. Insert the appropriate amount of frames to your sounds layer, depending on the length of your sound clip

six. Your sound should now be imported and your sound layer should look like this.

Sounds added to layer

Moving Sound

1. Select the first keyframe of your audio stream on the timeline

First Frame selected

2. Elevate the selected keyframe to the frame where you desire your audio to commencement.

Clipping sounds

Clipping Sounds

one. Navigate to the frame where y'all want your sounds to terminate.

2. Printing f6 (role f6) to insert a keyframe.

Clipping sound from the back

Note that in Adobe Animate sound tin only exist clipped from the back stop. Calculation a keyframe at the showtime of the audio will move the beginning location of the audio instead of shortening it, so programme your audio file with this in mind.

Panning and Volume Options

1. Highlight a frame within the sound you wish to edit.

two. Navigate to the properties menu and click the pencil icon next to the Effect option.

Adobe animate sound Properties pannel

3. In this menu you lot can drag the book mixers for the left and right channel along your audio.

iv. To turn the audio down motility both mixers downwards until you lot are satisfied with your book.

Audio Mixer

Clicking on the icon at the kickoff of the sound stream volition alter the sound for the entire length of the clip, while clicking anywhere else forth the mixer will create a new volume level at that location.

Changed Volume level

Volume level Changed

(example of a very basic left>right sound pan)

Raising audio

one. Select the sound layer you wish to turn up.

Audio File with volume turned up.

two. Duplicate the layer and place information technology directly above the original audio

Duplicated Audio File

iii. Grouping the layers is optional, but helps a lot with organisation.

4. If this makes your sounds too loud, follow the steps for lowering audio on either one or both audio layers.

As of right now this is the but way to heighten audio in Adobe Animate, the culling is taking your source audio back to the program you originally created it in and raising the volume. Both these methods take their benefits and drawbacks. The Adobe Animate native method requires y'all to have two layers in your limerick and creates extra clutter which, in a large projection, tin can be very disruptive, however this method is much faster. The source audio method takes more time but is much cleaner and requires only one layer per audio.

Concluding Thoughts and Tips

  • Continue in mind that although Adobe Animate is a very powerful blitheness and interactive tool, its audio capabilities can be somewhat limited at times. Make sure that you have your sound equally close to finished as yous can before you import it.
  • Both the quality and production speed of your Adobe Animate project are directly linked to how well organized you are. Keeping all files in your Adobe Breathing library as well as your source library is the first step to a successful project. Folders are your friend.
  • Adobe Animate sound libraries tin become somewhat complicated in larger projects, its very of import that you create and stick to a unified naming convention for all your audio files.

Tutorial by Arthur Muzzin